A Clean House Gives You a Better Life
Most of us don’t have full time Downton-Abbey-type staff in our homes even though this is Laguna beach. But you can still live a high-class life no matter how small your mansion if your home has had a good cleaning. You could also save your sanity, lower your blood pressure, have less friction and play well with others in your home especialy when it means more time for laguna surf and sand at the Beach instead of cleaning.
Here’s why you should allocate dollars for house cleaning as if it were an electric bill or annual check to Shari L. Freidenrich (OC property tax collector in Laguna Beach).
1. You are a lot less stressed after a house cleaning and less stress is more health.
2. You are not embarrassed when people come over. You can invite friends over on the spur of the moment to enjoy each others camaradeie.
3. You can find things – it’s easier to see when everything is in order and it’s so much easier to keep things in order when you get a fresh start every time your cleaning angel has been there.
4. You save money – you feel happy to be in your home and don’t need to “go shopping” because you are really trying to escape the mess and avoid cleaning.
5. You are more productive – you can spread out a project, you feel like cooking, you are more creative and you can get in the flow. Cleaning inspires creativity.